Oncode Scientific

Our Commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Excellence

At Oncode, we’re committed to advancing precision medicine while upholding the highest standards of environmental, social, and governance responsibility. We recognize that our operations have an impact beyond our laboratory walls, and we are dedicated to conducting our business in a way that benefits our planet, our community, and our stakeholders. From implementing energy-efficient practices in our lab to ensuring the utmost in patient data security, our commitment to ESG principles is unwavering. We believe that transparent and ethical practices are not just good for the world—they are essential for the long-term success of our business and the health of the communities we serve. Our commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles is deeply ingrained in every aspect of our operations, reflecting our dedication to responsible and sustainable practices.

1. Environmental Stewardship
At Oncode, our dedication to environmental sustainability is reflected in every aspect of our operations. We prioritize not only advanced scientific practices but also responsible environmental management.

Comprehensive Waste Management: We are committed to responsible waste management. Our lab rigorously adheres to proper disposal protocols for both biological and chemical waste, ensuring that these materials are handled safely and sustainably. This practice minimizes our environmental impact and upholds our commitment to ecological responsibility.

Reducing Carbon Footprint: Recognizing the importance of addressing climate change, we actively encourage our team to reduce their carbon footprint. This includes promoting carpooling among our employees and advocating for travel minimization. We believe that every step, no matter how small, contributes significantly to our collective effort in reducing environmental impact.

Sustainable Operations: Our lab employs state-of-the-art, energy-efficient technologies to minimize our ecological footprint. We are constantly seeking ways to improve our operations to be more environmentally friendly, from using eco-friendly materials in our processes to exploring renewable energy sources. A key component of our environmental strategy is our robust recycling program. We are committed to recycling materials wherever possible, reducing waste, and promoting a circular economy within our operations. Our team is trained to identify recyclable materials, ensuring that we recycle as frequently and effectively as possible.

Future Environmental Goals: We are committed to continuous improvement in our environmental practices. Our lab sets ambitious goals to further reduce our carbon footprint and enhance our waste management processes, demonstrating our ongoing dedication to environmental stewardship.


2. Social Responsibility:
At Oncode, we deeply value our diverse workforce and understand that our strength lies in our inclusivity and recognition of everyone’s uniqueness. Our commitment to our employees’ well-being and personal growth is reflected in our inclusive and supportive work culture.

Celebrating Milestones and Diversity: We celebrate not only the personal milestones such as birthdays of our team members but also embrace the rich diversity of cultures and religions represented in our workforce. We recognize and celebrate various festive seasons from every ethnicity and religion, creating an environment of inclusiveness and respect. These celebrations are an integral part of our workplace, offering opportunities for employees to share their cultural heritage and for everyone to learn and enjoy the diversity that unites us.

Employee Well-being Programs: Our lab offers a variety of activities aimed at promoting both physical and mental well-being, including yoga, badminton, cycling, and hiking sessions. These programs are designed to foster a balanced and healthy lifestyle, encouraging team bonding and personal well-being.

Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: We are dedicated to creating a workplace where diversity is not only accepted but celebrated. Our policies and practices aim to ensure that every team member feels valued, respected, and included, irrespective of their background.

Community Engagement: We extend our social responsibility to the community, actively participating in and contributing to local charities, educational programs, and collaborations with community organizations.

Employee Safety and Professional Development: Ensuring a safe and secure work environment is paramount at our lab. We invest in continuous professional development opportunities for our team, nurturing their career growth and skill enhancement.


3. Governance:
Integrity and transparency are the cornerstones of our governance. We adhere to stringent ethical standards in our research and business practices, ensuring compliance with all industry regulations. Our leadership team is committed to upholding these values, fostering a culture of honesty and accountability.

Ethical Standards and Compliance: We strictly adhere to the highest ethical standards in all our research and operational activities. Compliance with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards in molecular diagnostics and precision medicine is non-negotiable. Our robust compliance framework ensures accountability at every level of our organization.

Leadership and Corporate Ethics: Our leadership team sets the tone for ethical conduct and responsible governance. Regular training on corporate ethics and governance best practices is conducted to ensure our team is not just compliant, but also ethically proactive.

Transparent Reporting and Oversight: We maintain a high level of transparency in our reporting mechanisms. Our board of directors and management teams are actively involved in overseeing and guiding the ethical practices of our lab, ensuring that every decision aligns with our core values and ESG commitments.


4. Reporting and Future Goals:
We believe in transparency and accountability in our ESG endeavours. Our lab regularly publishes reports detailing our ESG performance and metrics, underscoring our progress and future objectives. We are dedicated to continuous improvement and setting ambitious goals to further our ESG commitments.

ESG Performance Reporting: We believe in the power of transparency and accountability. Our lab regularly publishes detailed reports on our ESG performance, showcasing our achievements and areas for improvement. These reports are made available to all stakeholders, reaffirming our commitment to ESG principles.

Setting Ambitious Goals: We are committed to continuous improvement in our ESG efforts. Our future goals include further reducing our environmental impact, enhancing our social responsibility programs, and strengthening our governance framework. We set specific, measurable objectives and openly communicate our progress towards these goals.


5. Stakeholder Engagement:
Collaboration is key in advancing our ESG goals. We work closely with various stakeholders, including research entities, healthcare providers, and community organizations, to promote sustainable and ethical practices. We welcome feedback and suggestions on our ESG initiatives, as we believe in growing and learning together.

Collaborative Partnerships: We actively engage with a diverse range of stakeholders, including clients, suppliers, research partners, and healthcare professionals. Our approach is collaborative and inclusive, ensuring that we consider and incorporate stakeholder feedback into our ESG strategy.

Community and Industry Engagement: Our commitment extends beyond our immediate operations. We participate in industry forums, contribute to community initiatives, and collaborate with academic institutions to drive forward the principles of ESG within the wider precision medicine community.

Open Dialogue and Feedback: We encourage open dialogue and value feedback from all our stakeholders. Our communication channels are always open, fostering a culture of transparency and continuous improvement. 


Concluding Our ESG Commitment

At Oncode, our commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles is not just a part of our business strategy; it is a reflection of our core values and our vision for the future. We believe that our role in advancing precision medicine comes with a profound responsibility to our planet, our people, and our community.

Our journey towards sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical governance is continuous. We are driven by the knowledge that our actions today shape the world of tomorrow. As we strive for scientific excellence, we remain equally committed to making a positive impact on the environment, nurturing our diverse and talented team, and upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency.

We invite our stakeholders, partners, and clients to join us in this endeavour. Your feedback, collaboration, and support are invaluable as we navigate this path. Together, we can create a future where innovation in precision medicine is in harmony with sustainable and responsible practices.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about our ESG commitments. At Oncode, we are not just envisioning a better future; we are actively working towards it.